Today must be perception versus reality day. In speaking with someone I very much respect the other day, a comment was made that I'd really appreciate hearing your opinion on. ...
In an interesting side note to the below post: Anne Taylor-Vaisey sent her CE Yahoo Group a link to Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory & Practice, a journal whose content is available online for free. I read one of this issue's...
I heard just the other day that some people were not happy with an article that ran in our July/August issue titled, "Do Lectures Deliver?" I heard that some thought the survey the article was based on explored the many educational delivery...
There's a very interesting post on Blogborygmi about influence-peddling that compares the current firestorm over physicians and possible conflicts of interest to the media and its potential for bias, particularly when it comes to political...
This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey: ...