Event management tech company Social Tables recently surveyed more than 350 meeting planners to get an idea of their workloads and how they do their jobs. Among the findings...
Event management tech company Social Tables recently surveyed more than 350 meeting planners to get an idea of their workloads and how they do their jobs. Among the findings...
The process of qualifying for, applying for, and earning the Certified Meeting Professional designation has become more streamlined, and the Convention Industry Council, which administers the CMP, has just released a video to get the word out...
Voters in the U.K. head to the polls today to decide whether the U.K. will remain a member of the European Union or will exit the EU (Britain + exit = Brexit). Polls close at 5 p.m. ET, and the final tally is expected early Friday morning. ...
What's the first thing I did after unpacking? Run down to the beach and take a selfie and a stroll by the waterline, of course!I hadn’t been to Atlantic City since my grandmother rented a cottage there back in the late 1960s, so I was unreasonabl...
A sand sculpture at the opening evening reception Meeting Professionals International and Atlantic City knew going in that this year’s World Education Congress, held June 11–14 at Harrah’s Atlantic City Waterfront Conference Center, would have to...
Continuing medical education providers are tasked with researching to uncover the professional practice gaps of their healthcare provider learners so they can design education that will help close those gaps. How do these gaps differ from underly...
Maritz Travel has hired leading medical meetings expert Pat Schaumann, CMP, CSEP, DMCP, HMCC, to help its healthcare clients ensure regulatory and reporting compliance.
Pat Schaumann, CMP, CSEP, DMCP, HMCC“Compliance with new regulations, like...