Jean-Michel Petit was a venture capitalist vacationing with his son in Peru when they left their high-end hotel one day and spent the night with a local family, sharing lunch, dinner, and breakfast with them. At the end of the trip, Petit thought...
Does this sound familiar? After the inevitable delays and mechanical difficulties involved in business travel, your tummy is rumbling and the only choice you have for lunch is fast food or the vending machine. You decide the peanut-butter cup...
The SPEEDVEGAS track opening featured special flyover by Serenity Helicopters. (Photo courtesy of Image Las Vegas)SPEEDVEGAS, a $30 million, 100-acre motorsports complex, officially “started its engines” on April 15, and participants in the 17th ...
IACC's new logo that was launched this weekThe organization formerly known as the International Association of Conference Centres now will be referred to as its acronym, IACC, as it rebrands itself to be more inclusive of all its small- and mid-s...
Futurist and innovation expert Jim Carroll giving a keynote speech at digitalNowA conference dedicated to the steep and swiftly changing digital world’s effects on associations is taking place at the Hyatt Regency Orlando this week. digitalNow, o...
The 17th annual Las Vegas Corporate Invitational, organized by MeetingsNet and held at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino April 13–15, of course had two days of awesome golf, one at the Badlands Golf Club and another at the Bali...