If your marketing spend is greater than six percent of your direct conference expenses, your fan base and positive word of mouth (WOM) marketing are lacking. Authentic WOM marketing, received from a trusted colleague, is hands down the most...
Hospitality and travel suppliers who work with meeting professionals planned to celebrate April 22, Earth Day 2015, in style. Here's what some of your partners were up to...
Healthcare compliance author Pat Shaumann, CMP, CSEP, DMCP, HMCC, has teamed up with mobile event app company BusyEvent Mobile to develop an online tool for healthcare meetings professionals, compliance officers, and legal and financial teams at ...
My team within Financial & Insurance Conference Planners plans meetings for meeting planners, and we also attend our fair share of meetings of all types, sizes, and purposes. I recently attended my own company’s annual all-company...
Remember when the boarding process was nice and civilized? I miss those days.I used to be a nice guy. I really did. But one long flight a few years ago where, to quote Rihanna, "all of my kindness was taken for weakness," turned me mean, at least...