In a 10-year period that saw a technology boom, a stock market bust, terrorist attacks, strict new corporate accounting standards and pharmaceutical regulations, a recession, and finally, an economic rebound, the medical meetings industry has gone...
“The Politics of CME are overwhelming. If you ignore them, you won't be successful,” said Joseph Green, PhD, founder and president of Professional Resource Network, Chapel Hill, N.C., at the opening plenary session of the Alliance for Continuing...
A comprehensive marketing plan goes beyond brochures and e-mails sent to your potential attendees or exhibitors. Connecting with the media is another crucial facet of any successful communication plan. To use the press to “spread the word” about...
The hottest trend in new hotel development these days is condo hotels. "They are all over the place," says Patrick Ford, president, Lodging Econometrics, Portsmouth, N.H., including major convention cities like Chicago, Las Vegas, and Orlando...
A panel of experts gathered at MeetNow! 2007 in New Haven, Conn., to delve into the sticky ethical issues that plague the meeting and hospitality industry. The panel, part of a conference sponsored by the WestField and Connecticut River Valley...
Move over, “green meeting.” Enter the “carbon-neutral event.” When you bring groups together for a meeting, you are by nature increasing greenhouse gases as people fly and drive to your event. While there, attendees will consume many megawatts of...
Event marketing -- that is, marketing that takes place at meetings and events -- makes up 24 percent of the average healthcare company’s marketing budget, which is slightly less than the 26 percent that the average corporation allots for it...
Europe’s two major international meeting and incentive travel exhibitions—IMEX, a spring show in Frankfurt, and EIBTM, a late fall show in Barcelona—continue to woo attendees with generous hosted-buyer programs and a growing slate of seminars and...
Heads rolled at the headquarters of Meeting Professionals International last week. The Dallas-based association’s new CEO, Bruce MacMillan, CA, who joined MPI in December, let go five senior staffers on February 15, the same day the association...