In Today's Constantly changing medical meetings business, professional planners are juggling more than logistics. With numerous parties involved in the success of the continuing medical education program, meeting planners now need to know about...
I just returned from Pharmaceutical Executive's 4th Annual MedEd Forum where I spent two and a half days interacting with the same people I saw at the American Medical Association National Task Force on CME Provider/Industry Collaboration meeting...
From Anne Taylor-Vaisey: On this page I have updated a couple of journals (Medical Education, Academic Medicine) and added another journal (Medical Education Online).
From this review in the New York Times, Atlus Software‘s Trauma Center: Second Opinion, played on the new Wii gaming system, sounds incredibly hard. I wonder if it actually does any good as a surgical simulation, or if it's just a game?
Here's an interesting article in the Boston Globe about the American Society of Hypetension rejecting a panel discussion on conflicts of interest. The CME committee decided that, with the invited panelists being notable critics of the current...
I don't subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, but this article looks interesting from the teaser: Medical Journal Spikes Article On Industry Ties Of Kidney Group...
From the Accreditation Council for CME...
From Anne Taylor-Vaisey: Here is an article by a former boss of mine, Dr. Richard Reznick of the University of Toronto. Published today in the New England Journal of Medicine. The title is Teaching surgical skills: changes in the wind.
If you have an opinion about the charge that periodically comes up that pharma is looking to "invent" diseases for which it has the cure (think hair loss, ED, restless leg syndrome), check out this podcast from our friends at the Pharma Marketing...