This one sounds interesting: Development and evaluation of a cultural competency training curriculum, by David H Thom, Miguel D Tirado, Tommy L Woon, and Melen R McBride, BMC Medical Education 2006, 6:38 ...
The Alliance for CME is offering a series of hour-long webinars this fall, free to the first 125 Alliance members who sign up (after those 125 slots are filled, members can still listen in for a "nominal fee," and they will be archived and...
You have to check this one out: "Deconstructing the evidence-based discourse in health sciences: truth, power and fascism," Holmes D, Murray SJ, Perron A, Rail G. Int J Evid Based Healthc 2006; 4: 180-186. A snip...
From Anne Taylor-Vaisey: There are three articles of possible interest in the September issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Although a subscription is required to retrieve full text, the journal's archives are available at no cost...
Michael Moore's latest movie about the healthcare industry has pharma knee-deep in fear, according to this article. A snip...
From the Canton Rep: : Cleveland Clinic researcher loses job over conflict questions. A snip...
From Anne Taylor-Vaisey...
Two articles sent to me recently (thanks, Deb!) seemed to go together in a way. The first is Hysteria rules doctor and drug company relationship debate, which argues that much of the hoo-ha in Australia lately surrounding the topic of pharma and...
Here's some food for thought on this question from the Yemen Observer. A snip...
This article in Forbes takes a hard look at pharma marketing practices, including the role of med ed companies. Here's a snip...