As a follow-up to The Money Maze (Medical Meetings, March/April 2006), we'd like to reiterate some important messages we've heard from the pharmaceutical industry about commercial support. In preparing for this article, in addition to drawing on...
MP3 players aren't just for teenagers downloading their favorite tunes — they're also for docs to download CME. At least, that's the hope of CME providers who are podcasting their audio CME content so healthcare providers can download an activity...
How has the American Heart Association's International Stroke Conference almost doubled its attendance over the past three years — growing from about 2,450 delegates in 2003 to 4,174 in 2006? Program organizers say they've achieved their success...
When your organization needs to gain perspective on a situation and initiate change, a staff retreat is the way to go. Unlike corporate meetings, where the objective is to teach or motivate participants — or just to deal with day-to-day priorities...
What are the biggest challenges facing pharmaceutical meeting planners today? Polled via an audience-response system during the opening of the Second Annual Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum, held March 20 to 21 in Philadelphia, most attendees...