According to the Jamaica Observer, 60 percent of Jamaica's doctors didn't renew their licenses. The reason? They didn't complete their CME requirements. From the article...
That's the conclusion of Off-label Prescribing Among Office-based Physicians, published in the May 8 edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine. The researchers " used nationally representative data from the 2001 IMS Health National Disease and...
You no doubt by now have heard about the accusation that Pfizer experimented on children in Nigeria in 1996 to test its experimental antibiotic during a Nigerian meningitis epidemic. John Mack at Pharma Marketing has an interesting take on the...
The Food and Drug Administration has been getting some heat (some examples here and here) over potential conflicts of interest. Today it announced that it was going to review its advisory panel system. From the article...
Anne Taylor-Vaisey has posted the citations and abstracts for Parts 1 to 5 of the Association for Medical Education in Europe Guides that have been published in Medical Teacher, including the outcome-based education articles. Click ...
New Hampshire is scheduled to vote today on a state measure that would crack down on the practice of collecting and selling individual physician's prescription data to pharmaceutical companies for use by sales reps, according to this article in...
If you ever find yourself nostalgic for the good old days, check out John Mackenzie's experience as the world's first full-time, medical color TV director during the 1950's. He says he worked at about 27 medical society meetings while televising...
Recommended reading from Anne Taylor-Vaisey: Knowledge retention and improved patient outcomes are pretty much the purpose of continuing education, aren't they? This study just published in the May issue of the American Journal of Surgery reports...