Recommended reading from Anne Taylor-Vaisey: From the May 2006 issue of Headache: Patwardhan MB, Samsa GP, Lipton RB, Matchar DB. Changing physician knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about migraine: evaluation of a new educational intervention...
Physicians in Scotland are being wooed—but this time, the wooer isn't big pharma. It's big milk, as in formula milk companies who are providing all kinds of goodies in hopes the docs will recommend nursing mothers to choose formula. From The...
After musing about using multimedia for online CME cases, I got to speak with Destry Sulkes, MD, managing director of MedsiteCME, which recently started incorporating multimedia into its online cases...
Here's a great article from Fast Company about how the Mayo Clinic is encouraging innovation by asking its doctors to think more like designers. Fascinating!
From Capsules co-blogger Anne Taylor-Vaisey: We all talk about the importance of critical appraisal. When I'm reading health stories in newspapers or hearing them on the news, I always wonder about the quality of the information reported. Well, I...
Tuesday, April 25, was "Code Day" in the UK, where 8,000 pharma reps set out to detail docs and others on their industry's code of ethics. From MedicalNewsToday...
According to this Reuters story, Senator Grassley now is asking "for Congress to give the Food and Drug Administration more power to review drugs after they are approved for the public, citing a government report that found lingering safety...