There's a good place to start training faculty on how to really teach, not just drone, on Presentation Zen (a very cool blog on all things presenter, via Seth Godin). A snip of his quotes from "Ted MD"...
From Medical Meetings' September/October issue...
And if I do say so myself, we have some pretty good stuff in this issue. Like Prescription for Peace. A snip...
Investigators are now starting to fine physicians for having relationships with medical device firms that constitute a conflict of interest, according to this NYT article: Possible Conflicts for Doctors Are Seen on Medical Devices. With the costs...
This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey...
Pri-Med Research's National Physician CME Insight Study has found that primary care physicians are increasingly turning to a variety of channels for continuing education. It says that now the typical primary care physician in the United States...
I just received another great response to a reader's request for information on how to get people to attend her fee-based activities when so many free resources are available. I'm printing it here with his permission...
A study done by researchers from the University of California, Davis, of 124 surgeons has found a need for more standardized palliative care for patients. From the press release...
Some interesting stuff in the latest issue of WentzMiller and Associates' WM&A Global CME e-newsletter. First up...
This article from MedPage Today has a good run-down of some of the scrambling medical association meetings that were scheduled for New Orleans are having to do post-Katrina.