Medical Meetings recently caught up with MURRAY KOPELOW, MD, chief executive of the Accreditation Council for CME, to learn what was behind the decision to hire its first-ever director of communications — Tamar Hosansky, who left her post as...
How you can develop a good educational outcomes measurement plan?
Expect to see booth sizes shrink as recently enacted state laws go into effect and pharmaceutical and medical device companies continue to refine their responses to the various voluntary ethical codes at medical trade shows.
When the ACCME asks, people tend to answer. Here’s a sampling of public responses to four ACCME proposals
So why keep arguing that their continuing education be treated the same?
Survey finds that physicians still value exhibits at medical meetings, even without the giveaways.
How CME activities can address disparities in healthcare
From California to Massachusetts, states are implementing laws that regulate how pharma and medical device companies interact with physicians.