CME providers brought in $1.2 billion in commercial support in 2007, a less than 1% increase over 2006, according to the Accreditation Council for CME's Annual Report Data 2007
The new PhRMA code bans giveaways. Here's how to protect your sponsorships, exhibits, and events.
In July, 70 CME professionals became the first to earn the new Certified Continuing Medical Education Professional designation...
With the new year coming up for some of us (Happy Rosh Hashanah!), I thought I'd take the opportunity to point out some good news I noticed as I put together this issue. After being criticized by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee for its weak...
Are pharmaceutical companies overstepping their boundaries by criticizing continuing medical education providers' business development practices?
New Massachusetts law bans gifts to physicians, but exempts CME
An internal study shows Wyeth-funded CME programs helped 7 million patients
Under the new PhRMA code, CME providers and commercial supporters will be playing by the same rules
To get faculty buy-in for complying with new Accreditation Council for CME guidelines, you need to talk their language and respect their time.
Readers Reacts to Pfizer's decision to cut off funding for medical education and communication companies; the new PhRMA code; and green CME