Our comedy group, Four Day Weekend, has had the honor and pleasure of performing at corporate awards banquets for more than a decade. Typically, we were hired to perform after the awards, which meant we were invariably met with a very challenging...
A new study from the Incentive Research Foundation explores the value proposition of destination management companies in today’s changing marketplace.
Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt being interviewed by one of those pesky women, Paloma Baytelman, who shared this photo on Flickr.While making sincere efforts to do away with all-male panels is a start (and kudos to The Event Manager Blog Founder Julius S...
If you want to take your employees or organization members off site for some bonding and teambuilding, or when your incentive qualifiers are booked into a warm-weather resort, why not treat them to the rolling green fairways and beautiful...
The sculptured wooden elephant in Atrium I represents a beloved Thai talisman, and a lovely backdrop for some Thai food.The Hilton Anatole, which is located in Dallas’ Design District and has close to 350,000 square feet of flexible meeting space...
The American Association for the Advancement of Science and 124 other organizations serving the scientific, technology, and engineering communities sent a letter to Congress in late April outlining the negative effects federal government restrict...