When it comes time to line up speakers for your next conference, will you find yourself buried in piles of prospectuses from potential presenters, or searching high and low for someone qualified to address your topics? Mike May, principal of The...
It was morning in Madrid and the IFEMA Convention Center was alive with activity, occasioned by an art fair opening scheduled for that evening, with attendees to include such luminaries as Spain's King Juan Carlos and Mexican President Vicente Fox...
When your organization needs to gain perspective on a situation and initiate change, a corporate retreat is the way to go. Unlike corporate meetings that aim to teach or motivate participants, or just deal with day-to-day priorities, the retreat...
Finding downtown hotel space for a reasonable rate can be a daunting task. Here are six tips from veteran planners...
Nearly 1,600 attendees gathered at the 20th Annual New England Meetings Industry Conference and Exposition, sponsored by the New England chapter of Meeting Professionals International, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on April 13...
Sales training is always a priority at financial services and insurance companies. How can you ensure that it works? Provide a mix of training modalities, says Kristen Smithwick, manager of membership services, Best Practices LLC, a Chapel Hill, N...
Corporate meeting planners who push for strategic meetings management elevate their role from tactician to strategist and gain visibility as the company expert in sourcing best practices...