It's the burning question for many planners: how to negotiate with hotels to get the best deal for their meetings. Tim Brown, a partner with Meeting Sites Resource, Irvine, Calif., explored that subject in depth in a session he led on negotiations...
DOES THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT apply to foreign-flag cruise ships that operate in American waters? That issue went before the U.S. Supreme Court in March in Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd., and the outcome could have broad...
In a recent Harvard Business Review article, author Michael Mankins, a managing partner at management consulting firm Marakon Associates, New York, NY, discusses the “sad reality” that few senior management teams use their meeting time effectively...
RESORT AND AMENITIES FEES, telephone surcharges, minibar restocking charges, automatic gratuities — the list of add-on fees that appear in the fine print of a hotel contract gets longer by the minute...
Ever get stuck in a small-group setting by not being able to get beyond a problem or challenge? Would you like to try a more creative approach to solving your problem...
To navigate the choppy waters of contract negotiations, it helps to understand the lexicon of lawyers. Here are some simple explanations of legal terms related to meeting and event cancellations...
Managing foreign currency exchange for your international program is just as important as managing all the other areas surrounding your event. Here's how to formulate a plan so that you don't expose your budget to the volatile foreign...