We went straight to the experts — Susan Friedman, author of Meeting Planning For Dummies; Bonnie Wallsh, chief solutions officer, Bonnie Wallsh Associates, and a popular industry educator; and Ruth Levine, founder of Speak Inc. — to get their...
BEWARE: If your accounting department hasn't yet taken an interest in your meeting spend documentation, it will. That's because section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act — a bill enacted in 2002 to increase corporate responsibility and curtail...
So, you think planning a family conference is child's play? Not quite. The family conference comes with its own set of planning challenges. Review this checklist to get a sense of the issues that need to be addressed...
If you are going to master the fundamentals of religious meeting planning, it's important to keep in mind this question: What makes planning a religious meeting different from any other meeting? Here are a few distinctions...
Tickets go on sale next month for the 2006 Ryder Cup, to be held September 20-24 at the prestigious Kildare Golf and Country Club, Straffan, County Kildare. Dozens of companies are handling corporate and incentive group travel for the event...
They manage events, they manage meetings, but somehow destination management companies don't manage to get much exposure. In its December 2004 issue, Special Events Magazine, CMI's sister publication, profiled 25 of the biggest DMCs. Here are a...
Making the difficult decision to cancel or postpone a meeting is the most disappointing, challenging, and thankless part of our job as meeting planners. But it is also a truly unique opportunity to show our professionalism. We must unravel our...
Great meetings are possible without a solid request for proposal, but not having a good RFP makes the job much more difficult. Make life easier by starting with this RFP checklist...
THE NECESSARY CONCLUSION to many a meeting, the traditional corporate awards ceremony has a long, if unexciting, history. Often formal and colorless, it can sometimes leave an attendee cold once dinner is over and the speeches begin...
Meeting planners often ask me, “What on earth do I include in the budget?” The answer is very easy: “Everything.” If you have historical data from a similar event, you're in luck, because then you will have a good idea of previous expenses...