MANY OF US see attendee surveys as an item to check on the “to do” list to keep the Accreditation Council for CME happy, and thus maintain our accreditation status. What we may not realize is that attendee surveys are potentially a powerful source...
QUESTION THE MEETING NEED Before you jump into automatic pilot and start your last-minute meeting organization, challenge the request. Deciding to hold a meeting demands serious consideration because of the costs involved, so double-check the...
INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL services planners be warned: If your internal auditing department hasn't yet taken an interest in your meeting spend documentation, it's only a matter of time. That's because section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act — a bill...
What planner hasn't shrunk in his chair at a crude joke told by a comedian he or she hired? Those who don't want to be blindsided by an off-color remark should consider Clean Comedians, whose motto is: “It doesn't have to be filthy to be funny.” ...
TERRORISM, WAR, communicable diseases, hurricanes, snowstorms, labor strikes …. Not only can the “what ifs” keep you up at night, they can cost your company big bucks...
Here's a sample of a contract clause covering sustainability efforts a hotel can make during your meeting. The clause is adapted from language provided in 2004 by Meeting Strategies Worldwide, an organization that evolved into the meeting...