AS THE STAFFERS FILED into the conference room, some joked, others spoke in hushed tones, and a few buried their faces in their PDAs. This was to be a routine meeting, nothing special, nothing earth-shattering. Just another day...
Log on to to get the results of our just-released Managing Corporate Meeting Spend 2004 Benchmark Survey, which looks at the use of meeting consolidation tools and policies and their effectiveness according to readers of Corporate...
The Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers found its 91st Annual Insurance Leadership Forum interjected into this year's presidential race when keynote speaker L. Paul Bremer, the former administrator of the United States — led occupation...
SOME SIMPLE EDUCATION or the right kinds of incentives could have a significant effect on attendees' likelihood of booking inside the block. That is among the conclusions one can draw from a survey of attendee behavior conducted as the second...
All too often, board and committee meetings and leadership retreats feel more like a yearly visit to the dentist: No one really wants to go, the experience can be painful, and participants are frequently relieved when it's over. All of which...
WHEN IT COMES TO scheduling day meetings, Cheryl Geid has just about seen it all. Geid, national travel and meeting planner for Grant Thornton LLP, a Chicago-based financial services firm, has booked space in hotels, conference centers, sports...
Rebecca Merwin Conference Coordinator Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Los Angeles ...