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Sep 21, 2021
Arizona’s wide open spaces offer spectacular settings for your next meeting.
Sometime in November, air travelers from dozens of countries will be allowed into America with proof of vaccination. But “sometime” brings great uncertainty to the November 9-11 IMEX America show.
Specially trained dogs are the next line of defense to keep events Covid-free.
Online attendees will still be part of many meetings going forward. For them, planners need to replicate a major benefit of in-person attendance: “happy coincidences.”
While domestic vaccine mandates are not supported by the umbrella group U.S. Travel, its leader and those from other associations stand behind the idea that vaccines are “the fastest path to normalcy” along with a “layered approach” to safety.
By end of October, air, train, and sea travelers in Canada must show proof of vaccination, sharpening the U.S. travel industry’s debate about proposed vaccine mandates.