When Lisa Devlin, Esq., Devlin Law Firm, PC, Phoenix, and Barbara Dunn, Esq., Barnes & Thornburg LLP, in Chicago, present case studies from actual meeting contract disputes in education sessions, they sometimes conclude that the parties could...
1. Don't be afraid to ask. Negotiators often fail to raise an issue because they don't think they have a chance of success. Don't be afraid. Not only do good negotiators ask for everything they want, they also make sure they don't...
Planners and hoteliers share their top picks.
Meeting planners attending the Financial & Insurance Conference Planners 2016 Winter Symposium absorbed a lot of education in a little time, from how to engage with customers, to how to find confidence, to best practices for e-RFPs, trends in F&B...
When Amway brings 150 of its highest-achieving global independent business owners and their guests together for the annual Global Founders Council, everything about the nine-day program is expected to be executed at the highest level. This is in...