Shelly Rodrigues, MS, CAE, FACEHP, deputy executive vice president of the California Academy of Family Physicians and the ACEHP annual conference chair, and outgoing ACEHP president Damon Marquis, MA, MS, FACEHP, director of education and member services with the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
Newly minted Certified Continuing Medical Education Professionals gathered for an early morning celebration of their accomplishment.
Ed O’Neil, PhD, MPA, FAAN, O’Neil and Associates, explained how we can build a post-Flexnerian workforce in his opening plenary.
Karen Olivar, BA, and Amy Osterholm, MPH, MSW, offered tips on how to keep from committing death by webinar in a highly interactive session.
Lawrence Sherman, FACEHP, CCMEP, SVP, Educational Strategy, Prova Education, giving a dynamic presentation on how to turn CME “inside out and upside down.”
Networking on the exhibition floor
Judy Ribble, PhD, CCMEP, outgoing executive director of the National Commission for Certification of CME Professionals, receives a parting gift from Scott Hershman, MD, CCMEP HealthONE CME, and NACCME’s new executive director, Melinda Steele, CCMEP.
Alexander Djuricich, MD, and Jennifer Gunter, MD, gave their perspectives on learning through social media in a session that included almost as much laughter as learning.
Charles Denham, MD, Chairman, Global Safety Forum, and Editor of the Journal of Patient Safety, outlined some of the opportunities and challenges facing the continuing professional development community.
Susan DuBois, CPCS, Marc Jackson, MD, MBA, and SarahAnn Whitbeck, MBA, explained how Intermountain Healthcare accredits more than 100 series through its streamlined RSS process—yes, it can be done.
Suzanne Ziemnik, MEd, vice president, CPD, American Society for Clinical Pathology, gets a hug from outgoing ACEHP president Damon Marquis, MA, MS, FACEHP, director of education and member services with the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Ziemnik had just been presented with the ACEHP Distinguished Service Award.
Alicia Sutton, executive vice president, US HealthConnect, Inc., and Art Marchesini Jr., senior vice president, sales and business development, ReachMD, in a rare quiet moment at the ReachMD broadcasting center.
Scott Kober, MBA, CCMEP, Institute for Continuing Healthcare Education, and Peter Raymond, Human Condition, after their session on including elements of gamification to CME activities.
Lauren Patrick, NetHealth, and Arnold Meyer, EdD, Temple University School of Medicine, share thoughts on how to incorporate gamification elements into CME activities.
Mary Ales, BA, CCMEP, FACEHP, executive director of the Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association and the ACEHP annual conference co-chair, introducing the final plenary speaker.
Margaret Edson, BA, MA, EdS, LtD Hon., who authored the Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Wit,” received a standing ovation for her powerful presentation on human connection and healthcare.