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The warm-up, to be undertaken during the planning stage
1. Bend over backwards to meet a client's unrealistic demands.
The warm-up, to be undertaken during the planning stage
2. Do deep knee bends each time I get on my knees to pray for a miracle to meet said unrealistic demands.
The warm-up, to be undertaken during the planning stage
3. Stretch myself thin to condense 30 hours of work into the 12 hours I have been given to solve problems created by changes in directions.
The warm-up, to be undertaken during the planning stage
4. Perform mental gymnastics trying to figure out how to clone myself to accomplish No. 3.
The workout, to be done on site
1. Weight training, a natural outcome from lifting and schlepping the many boxes of stuff needed. An added benefit: great core strengthening.
The workout, to be done on site
2. Circuit training, which includes mandatory brisk walking, as I check on each session room to make sure things are proceeding as planned.
The workout, to be done on site
3. Deep breathing, required each time I find myself being asked to answer yet one more ridiculous question.
The workout, to be done on site
4. Resistance training, the result of stopping myself from the urge to throttle the person who just asked said ridiculous question.
The workout, to be done on site
5. Leap for joy as another meeting comes to a successful conclusion.