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Felipe Gomez is a renaissance man—an author, business leader, speaker, and accomplished pianist—who peppered his MPI keynote, “Virtuoso: A Music-Filled Journey Through the Mind, Body & Soul of Leadership,” with piano performances. Mild-mannered and yet profound, Gomez stressed excellence in all things, and before the hour was over, he had the crowd on their feet singing Cold Play’s Viva La Vida—in tune!
Celebrity drummer Mark Schulman, who’s performed with Pink, Billy Idol, Cher, Velvet Revolver, and many other acts, has teamed up with neuro-performance coach Heather Crider for an entertaining keynote. The mix is a fun look at how brain science effects performance, with a big dose of rock and roll thrown in. Watch out for the flying drumsticks!
Pamela Schuller, comedian, author, and diversity advocate, spoke about her life with Tourette Syndrome. The session title, F— Your Fears, sums up the message from a woman who had to do a lot that terrified her as she worked to find success.
Building a successful career in the performing arts is not so different from a more traditional workplace career, with complex stakeholders, a need to focus on growth and development, and high-stress situations to manage. Working with Broadway Plus, MPI brought in three accomplished Broadway performers—Fergie Philippe (second from left), Kyle Taylor Parker, and Jessica Lee Goldyn—to discuss the lessons they’ve learned, with moderator Shawn Parker (left), executive director, strategic accounts and corporate group sales, Hilton.
Each panelist for “Broadway to Boardroom: Business Best Practices from Backstage” took the stage for a solo performance. Here, Fergie Philippe, who has played Hercules Mulligan and James Madison in the smash hit Hamilton, wowed the crowd with a reading of Shakespeare and a rendition of “My Shot” from Hamilton.
Jessica Lee Goldyn, another performer on the “Broadway to Boardroom” panel, delighted the MPI WEC general session with a song from A Chorus Line. Goldyn has played leading ladies Val and Cassie in the Broadway revival of the show as well in the documentary film Every Little Step that’s about the audition and casting process.