Lain Hensley, who co-founded Odyssey Teams (you know, the Life Cycles team-building folks), blew me away in his 15-minute Flashpoint session yesterday.
Some of my biggest takeaways/favorite quotes:

• "Become aware of your reflexive tendencies"—this after having us cross our arms, then try to cross our arms the opposite way. Try it and you'll become aware of just how ingrained even the simplest of habits are!
• There is something called neurobics, which is a kind of exercise program to keep your brain flexible and open to new ideas. Something as simple as twining your fingers one way, then the other, repeatedly, shows you how it gets easier very quickly to retrain your brain.
• "Trust yourself more than your mind tells you not to."
• "See in someone what they don't see in themselves, and believe what they see in you."
They're doing a CSR project here later this morning that will entail our putting together prosthetic hands that will later be given to landmine victims around the world. I cannot wait to do this! Though I do miss the puppy-cuddling something fierce, this is a great way to network while contributing to a great cause. MPI blocked out the time specifically for this, with nothing else official on the agenda, so I hope the turnout is high.
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