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This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey: The Professionalism Assessment Project is a response of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) to the broad and growing demand for assessment of the fundamentals of professionalism.

An Instrument Design Task Force was convened at the NBME in September 2003 and January 2004. The Task Force began with a list of approximately 150 behaviors which were seeded by discussions at the Conference and expanded substantively by NBME staff. They pruned the list to approximately 60 behaviors that were further refined; these appeared relevant to professionalism0 and were amenable to sampling by a survey instrument. The Task Force embraced a conceptual design that mapped behaviors into specific survey forms that, in turn, defined expected behaviors across the educational and practice continuum.

Click here for more.

The Behaviors of Professionalism [registration required]

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