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Ernst & Young's 2005 Destination Performance Survey results

Convention and visitors bureaus need to look to the long-term, not continue to focus on short-term results, according to the

results of Ernst & Young LLP's 2005 Destination Performance Survey. According to Brian Tress, Senior Manager with Ernst & Young's Hospitality and Leisure Services Group:

    "The majority of organizations responding indicated they had a one-year strategic plan to meet goals and objectives, but less than a quarter of the respondents reported having a 10-year strategic plan in place."

This might have something to do with the second finding: that a lot of smaller markets now are competing with the big boys—something we're seeing more of as they absorb some of the smaller meetings displaced by Katrina. And who knows, they may get the visibility they need from these efforts to make second- and third-tier sound good to more conventions. In the press release, Tress said these smaller cities need to focus on what they do have to offer, and "They need to capitalize on what investments will give them the biggest bang for their buck." Most of what they're focusing on now are improving airports, highways, parks, and museums, along with longer range plans for convention centers and hq hotels.

Nothing to stop the presses about, but I thought it was interesting.

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