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Hospital learns from fighter pilots

A group of former fighter pilots called LifeWingers Partners has teamed up with the Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) in Columbus, Ohio, to teach healthcare workers the safety and efficiency secrets that military and civilian airlines use. According to a press release, more than 40 hospitals and 20,000 healthcare workers have already learned the Crew Resource Management system at the heart of the program, to good effect. From the press release:

    Measurable results are found in all LifeWings initiatives, including one hospital that experienced a 43% improvement in their Observed to Expected mortality figures.

They don't say much about what CRM is, how it works, what's involved, etc., but I guess that's what you pay them for. Anyway, I like the idea of taking expertise developed in one industry and applying it to another—I remember reading about how the hospitality industry also is providing useful input to hospitals to improve the quality of care. There's so much we can all learn from each other.

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