Remember the Million Dollar Home Page, Alex Tew's brilliant idea for how to make a million bucks by selling ad space for a dollar a pixel, with a 10-pixel-by-10-pixel minimum, on a Web site? (If not, here's one of the many stories that ran about it at the time.) Well, seeing as he succeeded in raising a boatload of money that way, lots of others have since gotten on the pixelated bandwagon.
And now we have one of our own: Jeffrey Brown of Tradeshow Life fame has set up the Tradeshow LifeWall. According to a press release:
- The Tradeshow LifeWall is a Web-based â€wall†of over one million pixels. Companies, organizations and even individuals can acquire â€pixel property†and display an image of their choice with a â€tool-tip†pop-up description and a back link to their own Website.
Pixel prices appear to vary depending on the real estate, but it's all in the highly affordable range. Interesting idea, Jeff.
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