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Cowboy cat image by Susanne Nilsson on Flickrcom
<p> Cowboy cat image by Susanne Nilsson on</p>

Strange conference byproducts: cat videos and cowboy cooking

I love a conference that includes actually producing something as a result of gathering that particular group of people together. I remember writing about a very cool conference put on by the Color Marketing Group—and not just because I could include the phrase that it's a meeting to dye for—mainly because at the end of the conference, participants (and they were highly participatory participants) walked away with a new color palette for the year.

But sometimes the results can seem a little offbeat to those of us who aren't in with that particular crowd. A couple that have come to my attention recently are a how-to on cooking like a cowboy (from the 24th annual Cowboy Symposium held in Lubbock, Texas), and what may be my all-time favorite cat video, "Henri, Paw de Deux," which won the first Internet Cat Video Film Festival (who knew there was such a thing?). Because it's Friday and I want to waste your time, here's Henri, the saddest, funniest cat on the Internet:

(Cowboy cat image by Susanne Nilsson on

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