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You might be in the hotel industry if...

Thanks to a poster with a good sense of humor on the MIMlist listserve for this one.

You might be in the hotel industry if...

1. You sat at the same desk for 4 years and worked for 8 different


2. "Going for cocktails and dinner" is NOT your idea of a nice evening.

3. When someone asks you your exact job profile you lie.

4. You get excited about a 2% pay increase.

5. You sit in a cubicle smaller than your bedroom closet.

6. It's dark on your drive to and from work.

7. Communication is something your "group" is having problems with.

8. You see a good looking person and know it is a visitor / guest.

9. Food left over from a banquet / meeting is your main staple.

10. You forgot what you look like in anything but a suit.

11. All the work you were hired to do gets done before 9 and after 5.

12. You're already late on the assignment you just received.

13. Your boss's favorite lines are...

a. "When you get a few minutes..."

b. "In your spare time..."

c. "I have an opportunity for you..."

14. 50% of the people in your company do not know what you do.

15. The other 50% of the people in your company do not care what you do.

16. Vacation is something you rollover to next year or get a check for each January.

17. Change is the norm.

18. Nepotism is encouraged.

19. You dial "9" before the number no matter where you are calling from.

20. When you are walking in public you have to fight the urge to pick up little scraps of paper and trash on the floor / ground.

21. Your toilet paper at home is folded in a triangle on the first sheet.

22. You answer the phone at home, "Hello this is _________, how may I help you?"

23. You read this entire list and understand it.

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