ALTOUR Meetings & Incentives
Corporate meetings in 2017: 500
Incentive travel programs in 2017: 32
Top customer markets: Insurance/financial services, manufacturing, business services
The Latest
+ ALTOUR Meetings & Incentives is a division of ALTOUR International, which made headlines in mid-2017 for its merger with Travel Leaders Group Holdings. Annual sales for the combined travel agency organization are $24 billion.+ The meetings and incentives team was a finalist for a 2018 Cvent Plannie Award in the SMM Program of the Year category.+ The ALTOUR M&I team made a commitment to new charitable goals in 2017, and as a result, donated 1,100 pounds of food to a local food pantry; raised $1,000 for Children’s Hospitals (and received a 150 percent match from ALTOUR), and collected more than $2,500 worth of toys for the Toys for Tots program.
Mary Sue Leathers President, ALTOUR Meetings & Incentives
Alexandre Chemla, Founder and President
Barry Noskeau, Executive Vice President and COO
More Stats
Room nights booked for meetings and incentives in 2017: 95,243
Full-time employees: 1,631
Meeting and incentive travel programs held outside the U.S.: 4.15%
Revenue from planning and executing meetings and incentives: 9%
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