Just this week, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education announced that it is collaborating with the American Board of Pathology (known as ABPath) to make it easier for pathologists to integrate their accredited CME with their Continuous Certification (formerly Maintenance of Certification) activities. The collaboration follows in the footsteps of similar integrations ACCME already has developed with the American Board of Anesthesiology, the American Board of Internal Medicine, and the American Board of Pediatrics to simplify the process for their members to fulfill their MOC and CME requirements.
The collaboration is designed to give pathologists access to more, and more diverse, accredited CME activities that meet the ABPath’s Continuous Certification requirements for Lifelong Learning (Part II), Self-Assessment Modules, and Improvement in Medical Practice (Part IV). CME providers now have the option to use the ACCME Program and Activity Reporting System, or PARS, to register their activities that began on or after January 1, 2018, for ABPath’s Continuous Certification. The ACCME’s publicly available online CME search tool CME Finder, where physicians can find accredited activities to earn AMA and MOC credits, now will also include CME activities registered for ABPath Continuous Certification.
“The ABPath is committed to a meaningful and relevant Continuous Certification program that demonstrates to the public and the profession that our diplomates are current in their medical knowledge and are continually striving to improve their practice and provide excellent patient care,” says ABPath CEO Rebecca L. Johnson, MD. “Our partnership with ACCME and CME providers is another initiative to strengthen our Continuous Certification program and provide a service to our diplomates that facilitates their participation in the program.”
Visit the ACCME website to learn more about CME that counts for ABPath Continuous Certification.