The CMI 25, MeetingsNet's list of the top independent meeting planning companies, is a resource for organizations looking for an experienced partner for conferences, incentives, trainings, and other corporate meetings.
Creative Group Inc.
SChaumburg, Ill.
2021 Volume
In-person corporate meetings: 36
# with a hybrid component: 4
Stand-alone virtual events: 58
Incentive travel programs: 21
Room-nights booked for meetings and incentives: 96,815
The Latest
• In January, Creative Group acquired Strategic Meetings and Incentives, LLC, based in Scottsdale, Ariz. The purchase expands its footprint in the telecommunications industry and the Southwest region of the U.S.
• Under its performance solutions umbrella, Creative Group launched AMPWorks, a business tool to activate and motivate sales and channel performance. The solution includes strategy (program design), program marketing and communications, a proprietary technology platform, a suite of reward offerings, and ongoing program management and analytics.
• Jamie Schwartz, senior director, individual performance strategy, was named to the MeetingsNet 2022 Changemakers list.
• Creative Group continues to invest in agency-level creative talent, supporting stage and environmental design, technical direction and management, audiovisual support, speechwriting and coaching, presentation design, talent acquisition, and virtual and live show production.

Janet Traphagen, President
Melissa Van Dyke, Senior Vice President, Customer Experience & Insights
Glenn Darlington, Executive Vice President, Business Development
More Stats
Full-time employees in North America (May 2022): 175
Meetings and incentive travel programs held outside the U.S.: 5%
Revenue from planning meetings and incentives: 58%
Revenue from planning virtual meetings: 24%
The biggest change to our organization as a result of the pandemic has been…
“While we’re a 52-year-old company, it feels like we are a start-up. We created new solutions for our clients, learned to do more with less, and reimagined our business with innovative, game-changing products. Now we are moving forward with a renewed confidence to take on whatever comes our way!”
—Janet Traphagen, President
AMPWorks Product Video
Case Study: Taking Safe Events on the Road
Back to the full 2022 CMI 25 list.
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