A few years ago, I attended a lengthy and heavily produced event called “The Power of Meetings.” It was a big bash with some interesting moments, but it ultimately put the audience to sleep. Pretty ironic, considering the theme...
One of the things we take for granted in our high-tech world is batteries. As we have become more and more “wireless,” our dependence on batteries has increased. So much of our personal and office equipment runs on battery power, whether it's your...
Want to make a big splash with your top producers? Imagine putting them on an engine-powered outrigger draped with flower garlands and skimming across the light chop on the lagoon surrounding the island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. A charming...
Who among us doesn't crave a little relaxation on the road these days? As life — and travel — have become increasingly stressful, we need to step back and nourish ourselves to get motivated for the next round — and no one needs this more than the...
Walking the paths D.H. Lawrence trod, riding the roads Easy Rider cruised, seeing the church Ansel Adams and Georgia O Keeffe made iconic — all are possible in Taos, N.M., a terrific locale for small- to mid-sized meetings...
What's better than an exquisite dinner at a ritzy restaurant owned and operated by one of the world's most famous chefs? According to Joyce Wils, director of meetings for Glenview, Ill.-based Combined Insurance Co. of America, it could only be...
A sure way to inspire star producers: Whisk them off to Rio de Janeiro for a personal glimpse of Latin America's equivalent of the Statue of Liberty. Christ the Redeemer, the 100-foot statue perched atop Corcovado Mountain, welcomes the world to...
With concern about event security running high, planners are making sure the hotels they book have taken steps to ratchet up security. Have they installed closed-circuit TV systems? Do they have a relationship with local law-enforcement agencies...