Meet FICP Board Member Koleen Roach, Director, Meetings and Conference Management, Securian Financial Group
Your meetings management goals are aligned with overall corporate goals, right? So how do you prove it? How do you know if you’re veering off track? How do you know where to make adjustments for a changing environment? Enter the key...
The U.S. Travel Association is planning a meeting for CEOs of all the major meeting planner associations October 8 in Chicago...
Meetings industry professionals have an opportunity to ask lawmakers such as Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.; Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark.; and Florida Governor Charlie Crist about their positions on travel and meetings–related issues through U.S. Travel...
After flight attendant Steven Slater took his storied slide to freedom from a JetBlue aircraft at JFK International Airport August 9, the company won praise for its surprisingly understated response to the story...