The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
I just spent a little too much time playing this word association game. The words it associates with some of my answers had me laughing out loud. Oh go ahead and play—it's Saturday, after all.
Al Gore and the CTIA Wireless show's organizers may ask people not to record his keynote. They may prohibit photos and audio and video. But is anything really off the record these days? Not if Dan Gillmore can help it. Gillmore is asking attendees...
If you've ever hit that "send" button then regretted it, you now have five seconds to take it back if you're on a Gmail account, according to this article from Wired. This could come in handy! ...
Want to see how suitcases have evolved over time? Check out this post from the Weburbanist (via Mental Floss). It's fun, and informative too, if you're into suitcases (and who isn't in this business?).
You put a lot of thought into room sets and menus, but don't forget the power of color when it comes to enhancing your attendees' experience. Read this article in this morning's Boston Globe about color trends, and found a few nuggets planners...
That's the bright side of this depressing bit of news from PFK: PKF Says Current Decline in the U.S. Lodging Industry Will be Deeper and Last Longer than Previously Predicted. Some cities will see declines less than others, but it sounds like...
When you're Ben Martin, it appears. Check out this post: Three observations for meeting planners from the Mac store. And the thing is, he's dead on with all three of them.