The face2face MeetingsNet blog is an eclectic mix of news about meetings and events, hospitality, and business travel, along with helpful hints and the occasional rant.
Another awful airlines story, this time from Steve Yastrow at It seems that his mom wanted to fly from Phoenix to Denver, pick up his niece, and head off happily together to New York. But, as so often happens these days, her flight...
Can a meeting be enough to turn an association around? It sure can be a strong factor, says Kevin Holland on The Association Blog. But (and this is a big "but") it has to do two things to swing it. He says, talking about the ASAE conference that...
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Citing Labor Unrest, Sociologists Move 2006 Meeting from San Francisco to Montreal (free subscription req'd)...
Kevin Holland at the Xtreme ASAE blog is talking about the bane of a planner's existence: Proving that attending the meeting was worth the time and cost of sending people to a show like ASAE. That ROI depends on people putting what they learn into...
The 2005 Out & About travel awards, given to destinations that recognize the value of and are marketing to gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexuals, have named Spain as the overall best destination for the glbt crowd. The top 10 domestic U.S...
Over at Fast Company, the Corporate Shrink answers burning questions about PowerPoint use and abuse, and why some people fall asleep in meetings. It's good stuff.
I recently had a phone conversation with Izzy Gessell about his work in bringing improv to meetings, and he just blew me away. Most people, like Betty, who wrote about Izzy's ASAE session here, say things like, "Izzey is one of the most popular...