An anonymous Twitterer from a New York City hotel is cracking me up this morning tweeting some of the stupid things being said by hotel guests. And the tweeter, who goes by the handle @guestsfromhell, seems to overhear a lot of them. (Click on the...
The New York Times has caught onto the latest must-have meeting tool: the mobile app. This must mean that they've hit the mainstream now. ...
I've been a big fan of blogging for pretty much everything to do with a conference, but I'd never heard of an organization using a blog to perk up and streamline its booth space selection process before. Nice!
I just read this post from TSA's blogger Bob about the quick actions TSA agents took as the tornadoes ripped through the St. Louis airport. I tend to be a touch critical of TSA, but in this case, there are a few people who must be awfully glad...
Love, love this video of Don McMillan doing his "Life After Death By Powerpoint." It should be required viewing for any speaker at any meeting anywhere, ever. Plus it's funny (fellow font geeks, check out the best/worst font joke ever around 2:18)...
Because everyone could use a little inspiration, we want to put together some photo galleries of really well-executed general session stage sets. So consider this a call-out to agencies, production companies, AV producers, and general contractors...
I love a good spoof as much as the next person (I still think the Alaska Air spoof site was hilarious), but I'm not so sure The Meeting Guru promo for ASAE's upcoming annual meeting works quite the way they hope it will. At least, not for the...
One of my favorite sessions from this year's Pharmaceutical Meeting Management Forum that we cosponsored last month with The Center for Business Intelligence was one led by our Medical Meetings social media columnist, Brian McGowan, PhD. I...
It took me forever to get around to posting this, but speaker and productivity expert Neen James took a few minutes at this year's Pharmaceutical Meeting Management Forum to share a quick tip:
Thanks, Neen!