I've heard about the dog eating homework excuse, but this article in the Wall Street Journal on a 1992 study about heart attack outcomes and diet is something else. From the article...
While this editorial in the North Country Gazette takes a decidedly anti-right-to-die stance, it is interesting to see that George Felos, the attorney who advocated Terri Schiavo's right to die, will be speaking at a CME cruise meeting (what the...
I wonder if there are any providers offering CME on the touchy subject of when and how to shore up or tone down a patient's hope for a cure. This thought was prompted by a fascinating article in today's New York Times: Doctors' Delicate Balance in...
Or so it would seem when it comes to bad medical students becoming less-than-stellar docs, according to a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine (subscription req'd. Here's a link to a writeup of it in Forbes, which you don't need a...
Interesting article in today's Boston Globe about using video games to teach healthcare workers disaster preparedness:Video game paints a grim scenario (free for a couple of days). After the problems in responding to Katrina made it clear that...
I just couldn't resist sharing this one with you. If you like this sort of thing, there are lots more over at Worth 1000's visual pun Photoshopping contest.