Apparently so, according to a recent study by Manhattan Research. "The number of physicians stating that technology is essential to the way they practice medicine has grown from only 114,000 in 2002 to more than 380,000 in 2005," says a press...
While I was poking around on the AdvaMed site today (see below), I found this statement, "AdvaMed welcomed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) release of a draft guidance outlining a new, evidence-based approach to national...
A reader recently e-mail this to me: "Are you aware of any guidelines specially aimed at biomedical equipment manufacturers as they relate to the new Standards for Commercial Support regs? Would you let me know if you have read or heard anything...
A reader recently e-mailed this to me: "We are currently exploring international opportunities with countries with which we already have established ties. One question that has come up is the pros and cons of working directly with a country and...
This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey: Here is an article on professionalism, from the April 2005 issue of American Journal of Medicine: ...
Now here's an article of the type you don't see very often--a defense of pharma industry, specifically in the TAP/AstraZenica whistleblowing cases. Definitely an interesting read!
This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey: From an April 2005 supplement of Clinical Microbiology and Infection: ...
It's a good question to ask, now that online medical and scientific publications are shifting the financial burden from advertisers to authors, according to this article in Wired...
It ain't cheap, but a new report on eCME trends from sounds intriguing. Among the highlights from the press release: ...