Here are ideas planners are using now to get, and keep, the attention of their meeting participants before, during, and after the show.
Take advantage of every possible opportunity to really own your event, not just splash your logo around.
Frameworks can be extremely helpful to conference professionals who are shifting their focus from planning and programming to designing attendee experiences. Several years ago, our team developed the EPIC framework—experiential...
How a conference empowered an amateur advocate—and former MeetingsNet editor!—to find her voice.
Your attendees may love your conference, but it’s still stressing them out. Here are some simple ways your mobile event app can help them get their groove back.
Answers to your burning questions about event hashtags, sponsor strategies, livestreaming platforms, going viral, and more.
Those who can master these elements will transform their meetings into true learning experiences.
How to design a meeting that will engage all your attendees
One of the most popular sessions at the 2017 Meeting Professionals International's World Education Congress was event specialist Michael Cerbelli's list of today's hottest acts and ideas for events.
They may be small and have a funny name, but LEDs can make a big impact on the look and feel of your next show.