Twitter allows us 140 characters to deliver a message and catch the attention of our followers to take action. That action may be to connect to an article, Web site, book, or to engage another person. Either way, it is the haiku of the Twitter...
Toss the boring old meeting-as-usual and inject some of these ideas to transform your events into must-attend experiences.
If you want to take your employees or organization members off site for some bonding and teambuilding, or when your incentive qualifiers are booked into a warm-weather resort, why not treat them to the rolling green fairways and beautiful...
Here's the latest in an occasional series of meeting idea collections. We're sharing the engagement tools, learning formats, and other items that have come across our desks lately. Raise a glass or a dumbbell—it's all...
âMeetingMatch, a new mobile app aimed exclusively at helping meeting participants network before, during, and after an event, launched earlier this year.
The San Diego-based startup differentiates the app from other event mobile ap...
The word retreat literally means “to withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat.” There are many reasons why a staff team might hold a retreat; e.g., to avoid office chaos and distractions and...