To design an educational activity that truly educates, you have to begin with knowing how adults learn. Here are some tips from Marcia Jackson, PhD, president of CME by Design, and Kathleen Geissel, PharmD, CCMEP, vice president, learning design...
How the make-up of our society should affect your meeting's design.
Slideshare by Gapingvoid, which creates art to supercharge events.
You know when you keep coming across a topic and it makes you think the universe really is trying to tell you something? I recently ran across a couple of posts that talk a lot ...
Event planners need to know how to reach the viral audience
I’ve been holding off talking about the Helping Hands corporate social responsibility session at this year’s MPI World Education Congress because, well, it’s hard to put into words exactly how that felt. But was an incredibly powerful experien...
Another really cool session I went to during MPI's WEC13 also took on experience design, but in a totally different way. Troy Halsey, author of The Freelancer's Guide to Corporate Event Design, which I must remember to buy, led what was probab...