It’s not enough to just have a sexual harassment policy or meeting code of conduct if it isn’t enforced or doesn’t have any real consequences for the harasser. But creating one—or ensuring your existing policy has real teeth—is a good place to...
Respondents to MeetingsNet’s sexual harassment survey shared their ideas for reducing the potential for sexual harassment at meetings and in the workplace.
Six meeting professionals tell their stories of sexual harassment to shine a light on the effects of unwanted advances at conferences and events, and at the office.
I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately about sexual harassment in the meetings and hospitality workplace and at meetings and events, and we all have stories. #MeToo, of course...
On July 30, Meeting Professionals Against Human Trafficking, a Toronto-based group formed last year to raise awareness and drive education in the Canadian meetings and events world, took the next step in its commitment to ending human trafficking...
With strong parallels to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, California’s new law will have implications for hotels and meeting professionals at large organizations.
In today’s #MeToo environment, event organizers are drawing up codes of conduct, stat. Why one legal expert says that actually may not be in your best interest.