In every session I've ever been to on strategic meetings management, someone always raises the question of how to get people to buy into the idea. Not necessarily compliance (if you're in a regulated industry) or procurement or finance, but more ...
The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation posptoned its 2013 GEOINT Symposium from October 2013 to April 14-17 due to the government shutdown.
At a session at the 2013 Pharma Forum, life sciences meetings managers explored how planners can add value by creating more meaningful experiences, gaining a better understanding how their attendees learn, and encouraging more attendee engagement...
Is letting the inmates run the asylum really a good idea? If by “asylum” you mean meeting, Adrian Segar would say it’s past time to hand over the keys. The author of Conferences that Work: Creating Events that People Love, Segar...
In-person medical education conferences and scientific meetings are a huge delivery vehicle for the healthcare initiatives that are on everyone’s minds these days. Medical associations and societies fill education gaps, establish care standards a...
While I couldn't get myself out of bed at 2 am for the first #FRESH14 livestreamed session (Copenhagen, where the meeting is being held, is six hours ahead of where I live in Massachusetts), I did catch one of the afternoon sessions, plus a some ...
David Peckinpaugh, president of Maritz Travel, discusses “marketing 3.0,” or community-to-community marketing and how that trend is influencing meeting design.
Paul Salinger, vice president of marketing at Oracle Corp. and acting chairman of the Green Meeting Industry Council Board of Directors, discusses both tactical and strategic steps involved in getting a green meeting program off the ground.