Vice president, account development, BCD Meetings & Incentives, Minneapolis, and president-elect, Site Global

1. If you could be anywhere in the world, where would you be?
At our summer cabin on Big Birch Lake in West Central Minnesota. … Love the loons!
2. What’s playing on your iPod?
I love lots of music, but country is No. 1. Sugarland, Lady Antebellum, Toby Keith, and Brad Paisley currently top the list.
3. If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you want?
Since I travel so much, I would love to snap my fingers and transport myself to where I need to be—oh, the time I’d save!
4. It’s time for a second career, what do you choose?
I would buy a bed and breakfast, grow a garden, and spend my days cooking for and entertaining our guests.
5. What’s your hidden talent?
I can tap dance (literally and figuratively).
6. Who inspires you?
Working moms
7. If you could trade places with anyone (living or from history) for a week, who would you choose?
Michelle Obama. I admire her strength and that she strives to make a positive impact with everything she does.
8. What is your favorite cause/charity?
My mom started a prayer-shawl ministry at our church. It’s unbelievably touching to see how a simple hand-knit shawl given to someone during a time of loss or struggle can have such a healing effect.
9. What do you do to stay healthy?
Take a daily walk, sleep in a comfy bed, laugh a lot, and save all my extra calories for chardonnay
10. If you could go back in time, what would you change about your life?
I would have put more money in bonds.
11. What is your favorite quote?
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!
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