A couple of stories on hospitality labor strikes are in the news today:
(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News via hotel-online.com)- As the strike between 10,000 casino-hotel union members and seven of the city's 12 gaming halls enters its fourth day today - the longest strike in the resort's casino history - many are beginning to wonder just how long it will last.
And how much the standoff will end up costing.
According to a press release, Harrah's Atlantic City and the Showboat hotels/casinos have contingency plans in place to deal with the walkout of another union's members, which began this morning. The press release is a little vague, not mentioning specifically what the union is, other than it's a local one.
And After Subcontracting Out the Entire Housekeeping Department the Comfort Suites, South San Francisco Now Being Boycotted by UNITE HERE Local 2. From the press release:
- Former housekeeping employees of the Comfort Suites and the local labor community announce a boycott of Comfort Suites South San Francisco.
Eighteen room cleaners were terminated on March 8th when David Lane, general manager and President of Paramount Hospitality Management LLC, the hotel's operator, subcontracted out the hotel's entire housekeeping department. Of the terminated workers, all are immigrant women, and many are single mothers. "These jobs were our life line. It is not fair for David Lane to rip up our union contract, take my job and my benefits to help the owners get richer," says Nia Manumua, housekeeper at the Comfort Suites for 18 years.
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