You canregister online now for the 16th Annual Conference on CME Provider/Industry Collaboration, scheduled for Oct. 24-26 in Baltimore--if you register before Sept. 1, you get the early-bird discount.
This year's event will specifically
focus on practical strategies for collaboration in the context of CME provider
and Industry guidelines. In addition to our popular pre-conference, we will
again be using case studies and an audience response system to create highly
interactive plenary sessions. Breakout sessions target specific practical
issues in collaboration such as letters of agreement (LOAs), speakers' bureaus,
honoraria, and outcomes measurement.
You also can reserve a room online at the
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, where the conference will be held, or by calling (410) 385-3000.
Thanks to Anne Taylor-Vaisey for the reminder!
For more information, please contact
Rebecca DeVivo at (312) 464-5196.