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Those poor, poor students—not!

It might be time to rethink those special student discount registrations, according to an item in this week’s Promoextra e-newsletter:

    Contrary to Popular Belief, College Students are not Poor: Study

    College students head to campus this month with $122 billion in spending power, including $24 billion in discretionary spending… The money comes from hard work. Some 75% of college students hold down a job earning $645 per month on average. One fifth (20%) work on-campus and four in 10 (42%) work during school breaks. Parents help out with another $154 per month. When it's all added up, students spend more than $13,000 per year, 19% is discretionary, adding up to $211 per month of discretionary spending."

While they may have more cash then when I went to college, one thing hasn’t changed—they still tend to blow it on entertainment. "Nearly $3 billion is spent annually on movies, DVDs, music and video game purchases and rentals. Music sales total $474 million, theater tickets $658 million and games $341 million. At home and in their dorms they are watching movies, spending $600 million to buy and another $326 million to rent DVDs."

Unless your meeting is pretty entertaining, then, maybe you do still need those discounts to get them through the door.

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